Sermons by Lindsay Watson

Deliver Us From Lack
Speaker: Lindsay Watson Title: Deliver us From Lack Scripture: Psalms 16:5-17 Description: In this weeks message we learned that Lack is everything that distracts us from the Prince of Peace. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Journey of Repentance
Speaker: Lindsay Watson Title: Journey of Repentance Description: In this week’s message we learned that repentance is a process of transforming into God’s will for your life. He does the work and our job is to surrender. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Speaker: Lindsay Watson Title: Unscripted Description: Be Blessed by this weeks message!

Covenant is Partnership
Speaker: Lindsay Watson Titile: Covenant is Partnership Description: In this week’s message we learn more about our covenant with God and our role in that partnership.