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Into The Promised Land Broadcast
Join Us Sundays at 12pm EST
You’re invited to join us Sundays for online worship at 12pm EST.
Joshua & Caleb Ministries, Inc./Promise Land Church Outreach is a ministry where members learn to develop a personal walk with Jesus Christ, identify their gifts and talents and receive leadership training in preparation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Topic: Into the Promised Land Broadcast (Joshua & Caleb Ministries, Inc.)
Sundays at 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Worship & Prayer
We invite you to comment in the chat-box on the Zoom Service to share your request or hope with us. If you have something more private that you wish only for the prayer team or pastoral team to be praying for, you can email
Communion (1st Sundays)
All are welcome to participate in Communion. Please have your elements ready!

End Of Service Worship
Stick around after service for our online worship!