Sermons on Psalms (Page 3)

We Are Gods Pt.2(The Character of God Pt.8)

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: We Are Gods Pt.2(The Character of God Pt.8) Description: In this weeks message we learn about how God will show us what He wants for us, and learn how to rise to His occasion. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Stand Pt. 9

Speaker: Pastor Wm Di’mon Brown Title: Stand Pt. 8 Description: In this weeks message we learned that God Provides through his creations so we can’t expect Gods provision from the world system.

State of The Heart

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: State of The Heart Description: In this weeks message we learn that we need to give our hearts entirely to God. So that he can direct us to where we need to be.