Real Freedom

Real Freedom Pt.6
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Real Freedom Pt. 6 Description: In this week’s message, we learned that the love God has for us is what motivates him to answer our prayers, heal our bodies, to bless our finances. The power is in the love God has for us that he provided these provisions. Be Blessed by this week’s message!

Real Freedom Pt. 5
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’mon Brown title: Real Freedom Pt.5 Description: In this week’s message, we learned that sometimes God will speak a word to us and he will make a great and precious promise. But it takes us time to get to the place to receive it. Be blessed by this week’s message!

Real Freedom Pt.4(From The Inside)
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Real Freedom Pt.4 Description: In this season of our lives we should be able to sense Gods prompting as soon as he moves, and make the correction. Deliverance always comes from God. Be blessed by this weeks message!

Real Freedom Pt.3 (You Have To Own It)
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’mon Brown Title: Real Freedom Pt. 3 Description: In This Week’s Message We Learned That God Has Called Us To Be A Representation of Him, We Have to Own That. Be Blessed By This Weeks’ Message!

Real Freedom Pt.2 (Jubilee)
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Real Freedom Pt.2 Description: In this week’s message, we learned that we have a tendency to see the change after it’s manifested. But change begins in the realm of the spirit first and then manifests in the natural. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!