Sermons by Jeffrey Brown

Whose Kingdom Do You Seek
Speaker: Jeffrey Brown Title: Whose Kingdom Do You Seek Description: In this week’s message we discussed who we truly seek. Are we seeking the Earthly Kingdom or God’s Kingdom? Learn more here.

No, Im With Him/ Who Are You Imitating
Speaker: Jeffrey Brown Minister Angela Brown Title: No, Im With Him/ Who Are You Imitating Description: In This weeks message we learned that, no matter what happens in our lives we must always choose to be with God. We also need to learn to love ourselves to be able to Love God. Be Blessed By this weeks message!

Do I Know Who I Am/Prosperity Plus Obedience Equals Love
Speaker: Minister Angela Brown and Jeffrey Brown Title:Do I Know Who I Am/Prosperity Plus Obedience Equals Love Description: This week, we got dual messages. For the message titled “Do I Know Who I Am”, we discussed do we really know who we are in God. For “Prosperity + Obedience equals love, we discussed why obeying God is so important and beneficial to us. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Trust What I Can Se
Speaker: Minister Jeffrey Brown Title: Trust What I Can See Description: In this week’s message we learn how much better our lives are with God.

Just keep it real
Speaker: Minister Jeffrey Brown Title: “Just keep it real Description: In this week’s message, learn the importance of being open and honest with God at all times.“You will be successful when you appreciate who you are and who God has made you. Be blessed by this week’s message, and may the Word that you heard bring God’s blessings to you!