Sermons on appreciate

Gods Love
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’mon Brown Title: Gods Love Description: In this week’s message, we learned what the Love of God truly is. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Real Freedom Pt.6
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Real Freedom Pt. 6 Description: In this week’s message, we learned that the love God has for us is what motivates him to answer our prayers, heal our bodies, to bless our finances. The power is in the love God has for us that he provided these provisions. Be Blessed by this week’s message!

The Real (State of The Heart Series)
Speaker: Mr. Michael James Title: The Real (State of The Heart Series) Description: In this weeks’ message, Michael James shares his testimony on why being real and trusting God, he saw victory this year.

Pockets Of Faith (State of The Heart Series)
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Pockets of Faith (State of The Heart Series) Description: In this week’s message, we learned how to distinguish where we believe and where we don’t believe in God.

The Power Of Trust (Pt. 4)
Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: The Power Of Trust (Pt. 4) Description: In this week’s message we learn that it’s ok to appreciate where you are but not be satisfied. Our why( we have the desires of greatness) is because God said so!