Sermons on God (Page 6)

Afraid to be Afraid Pt.9

Speaker: Pastor Wm.  Di’Mon Brown Title: Afraid to be Afraid Pt.9 Description: In this weeks message we learned that Fear and Faith work the same, the outcome is just different.

Afraid To Be Afraid Pt.8

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Afraid to be Afraid Pt.8 Description: In this weeks’ message we learned that God is our Refuge against anything that may happen in the world.

Afraid To Be Afraid Pt. 4

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Afraid To Be Afraid Pt. 4 Description: In this weeks message we learned that Fear is a choice. It is something that we can control.  Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Afraid To Be Afraid Pt.2.2

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Afraid to be Afraid Pt.2.2 Description: In this weeks message we learned that we must choose Faith over Fear. Be Blessed by this weeks message!

Afraid to be Afraid

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Afraid to be Afraid Description: In this weeks message we learned that the world needs us right now. The church should not be running ducking and diving. We’re supposed to be setting the example. We’re supposed to be the LIGHT to the world. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

The Power of Christ

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: The Power of Christ Description: In this weeks message we dive into the state of the World’s Faith. We learn that Kingdom Building starts with us. The power comes from Kingdom Building and we need to be mindful what we do with it. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Corona, Don’t Fear Anything

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Corona Don’t Fear Anything Description: In this weeks message we learned that if we’re full of faith, fear cannot enter. But when our cup is empty, our spirit can be contaminated. Through God’s Word we can remain filled with faith!


Speaker: Mr. Michael James Title: The I GOT YOU God Description: In this weeks message we learned about what type of God we serve. Be Blessed by this weeks message!

Moving Forward

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Moving Forward Description: In this weeks message we learned, that there should be some kind of movement in the direction that we believe God has called us to go. PREPARE. ARISE. GET READY. Be blessed by this weeks message!

New Death, New Life

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: New Death, New Life. Description: In this weeks message we learned,  that the Word of God is designed to work better out here in the real world, it’s not for church.