Sermons (Page 16)

Another Level Requirements

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Another Level Requirements Description: In This weeks message we learned that another level requires leaving a level. Another Level forces us out our comfort zone. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

No, Im With Him/ Who Are You Imitating

Speaker: Jeffrey Brown Minister Angela Brown Title: No, Im With Him/ Who Are You Imitating Description: In This weeks message we learned that, no matter what happens in our lives we must always choose to be with God. We also need to learn to love ourselves to be able to Love God. Be Blessed By this weeks message!

Honor Him

Speaker: Ruth Shepherd Title: Honor Him Description: In this weeks’ message we learn that God gives us gifts that we may do nothing with, doing so shows a lack of honor. Find out how to Honor Him in this week’s message.


Speaker: Nellie Bestman Title: Standing Description: In this week’s message we learned how to stand and how to use our authority. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Be Ready Pt.3

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Be Ready Pt.3 Description: In this week’s message we learned that God’s primary role in our lives is to constantly bring us back to the place of righteousness. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Be Ready

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Be Ready Description: In this week’s message we learned that when God tells us to prepare, we need to listen so we will always be ready. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Do I Know Who I Am/Prosperity Plus Obedience Equals Love

Speaker: Minister Angela Brown and Jeffrey Brown Title:Do I Know Who I Am/Prosperity Plus Obedience Equals Love Description: This week, we got dual messages. For the message titled “Do I Know Who I Am”, we discussed do we really know who we are in God. For “Prosperity + Obedience equals love, we discussed why obeying God is so important and beneficial to us. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

The Law That Gives Freedom

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: The Law That Gives Freedom Description: In this week’s message we learned how to love ourselves through the eyes of how God loves us, so that we may be able to dispense that love to someone else. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Just Do What He Says

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Just Do What He Says Description: In this weeks message we learned that anytime we believe God for a move we should ask according to his word. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!

Price Was Paid

Speaker: Pastor Wm. Di’Mon Brown Title: Healed and Whole Pt.2 (The Attitude of Obedience Pt.5) Description: In this week’s message, we learned that we are God’s investments which is why Jesus paid the price for our sins. Be Blessed By This Weeks Message!